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Imogen Stone


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Ever since I was little, I wanted to travel the world...I even used to tell people my mum and I were moving to China. 

I moved out of the UK at age 9 to Qatar, in the middle east and then at 11 I moved to Switzerland. 

Travelling from place to place has made me more open minded to try new things and I find myself dreaming of conquering my fears. I'm petrified of heights and yet I bungee jump and am saving up to go skydiving because I love that feeling that I'm overcoming a goal or fear. 

Since I've moved back to England, It's been hard for me to find new things to try but after a lot of research I made it. I decided I'd write my own blog on adrenaline rushes in the UK because of the difficulty I found previously.

Get your blood rushing 


Adrenaline Junkie - UK

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